Series-Cravings Download Movie Dune

Series-Cravings Download Movie Dune



Dune is a movie starring Kyle MacLachlan, Virginia Madsen, and Francesca Annis. A Duke"s son leads desert warriors against the galactic emperor and his father"s evil nemesis when they assassinate his father and free their desert. writers - Frank Herbert. audience Score - 117706 vote. 1984. Duration - 137 minute. Cast - Virginia Madsen

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Dune villeneuve. David Lynch"s "Dune" has held up extremely well over the years, far better than I ever would have expected.
Part of the reason, I think, is the choice of directors. Frank Herbert"s "Dune" is one of those unfilmable novels (in fact, it makes "Lord of the Rings" look like child"s play) and David Lynch manages to capture at least the bare essentials of the novel. the sense of pessimism, dark urgency, and atmospherics. The latter is a sorely-missed quality, and "Dune the Movie" holds up very well compared to the post-movie theatrical wasteland of the early 21st century, and such films as "Planet of the Apes. Star Wars Episode 1" and "The Time Machine."
Viewers would be well-advised to try and read the book first. again, like "LOTR, some background is almost a necessity before attempting the film. The story is just too complex to translate well to the big screen, so if you haven"t read the book then you might find yourself simply relaxing and soaking up the (very well done) atmosphere and the visuals.
I"m very thankful that this film wasn"t made sometime in the past five years. It would be painful to see Frank Herbert"s genius placed on the chopping block of some money-grubbing producer and made into (yet another) CGI-based carnival freakshow. Enjoy this film for what it is, a "true" re-imagining of the novel "Dune" as seen by David Lynch"s somewhat twisted imagination.
Revised review, 8/10.

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D?ne magyar el?zetes. Dune movie 2020. D c5 b1ne center. I can"t believe anyone would think the Lynch version was better or even close to Herbert"s masterpiece. I read the book and then watched the Lynch version the day after finishing the book and was horrified.
The only thing that the book stayed true to were the character names and that people wanted spice, for Christs sakes the weirding way got transformed from a martial arts movements to some sort of gun fighting. This is only one instance, I could write a novel with all the discrepancies, OH WAIT there is a novel with all the discrepancies it is titled "Dune" by Frank Herbert. What about the lavishness of the novel, how in depth the story went and then to get this cut and dry movie that is hard to follow (even after reading the book) which just completely changes the characters moods and motives and AHHHH, just extremely frustrated by this whole movie.
Then there is the Sci-Fi Channel"s version, in honesty not great acting, sets, or costumes, but this is a cable channels mini-series version, NOT A MAJOR STUDIO PRODUCTION, don"t expect to get those great ascetics you seem to complain about. The story is what matters and the mini-series is about as close to the novel as you can expect. Characters stay true to there portrayal in the novel and *I know this is a lot to expect from a movie adapted from a novel* the story is the same in the subtitles and the major plots.
But if you have not read the book(s) then this movie will probably be enjoyable, as is evident in the fact anyone who has not read the books does enjoy the Lynch version, and truly the visual effects of this movie were extremely advanced for the time.
But to you who have read the book and found a story with a scope far beyond your average novel/story/epic you will be sorely disappointed. NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT. If you have read all books - Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emporor Dune, Heretics of Dune, Chapter House Dune, House Atreides, House Harkonen, House Corrino, Bulterian Jihad, Machine Crusade, and the most recent Battle of Corrin do not AND I REPEAT DO NOT watch this film, it is heresy and insulting to say the least, and only a true fan can truly realize this.

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